
Building Bridges ~ Eradicating Barriers

What is the Build-A-Bridge Monthly Partner Program

● An opportunity for community members like you to make a monthly financial contribution for positive change in the life of a person with a disability.
● 100% of donations are used to reduce/remove the financial barriers for a person with a
disability to access Independent Facilitation or any BtoBe programs or services
● Contributions are directed to the Sharon Giles Memorial Access Fund
● Individuals have someone to walk with them to access and connect with inclusive community
based resources to overcome barriers to belonging and thrive in our community
● Who are the Partners – Partners are individuals who commit to a monthly financial donation and are
called Bridge Builders

Monthly Contribution Levels

● $10/month Bridge Designer – Your contribution builds a bridge from isolation to friendship
through our BE-Friends Matching Program
● $20/month Bridge Foreman – Your contribution builds a bridge for families to access valuable
resources, support, and professional services to plan a safe and secure future for their loved
one with a disability
● $50/month Bridge Engineer – Your contribution builds a bridge for a person to create a
“Personal Embracing Possibilities Life Plan” based on their unique gifts, strengths, interests,
and choices and to access inclusive, community based options to achieve their goals
● $100/month Bridge Inspector – Your contribution builds a bridge for a person with a disability to
have an independent facilitator walk alongside them to pursue their dreams and desires,
achieve their goals, and build a network of unpaid supportive relationships for a life of choice,
independence, contribution and belonging as a valued member in their community


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The Impact of Your Contribution

Remove financial barriers to valuable, life altering services for a person with
a disability, empowering them to live with a sense of belonging, as a valued member of their community
and for their family to have peace of mind.

● The Person gets to choose and build the life THEY want, build meaningful relationships, and be
empowered to pursue opportunities to live their best life in our community.
● Families have access to resources, professional services, and facilitators for their loved one to
develop greater independence, and for them to lay the foundations for their child to have a safe
and secure future.
● Bridges to Belonging has resources to remove any financial barriers for a person with a disability
to access a skilled facilitator to walk with them and their families to plan for and live the life they
choose both now and in the future.
● Community – Waterloo Region becomes a thriving community – enjoying the benefits and
prosperity from the diverse gifts and contributions of all its citizens.

Become Bridge Builder by going to
